Why man-made electromagnetic radiation
is more harmful
is more harmful
Man-made electromagnetic radiation can be harmful.
Sources are from:
"Artificial electromagnetic fields from high-tension lines have nothing in common, in quality or quantity, with natural terrestrial (sources in the Earth's crusts) magnetic field.
- underground and overhead electric power cables
- cooking devices
- televisions
- radios
- and mobile phones
"Artificial electromagnetic fields from high-tension lines have nothing in common, in quality or quantity, with natural terrestrial (sources in the Earth's crusts) magnetic field.
There is no comparison possible!"
"The power from the Earth is without any frequency. That means it is static. It has balanced, harmonious field strengths. It has obviously positive consequences for all life during the millions of years of its development. It stimulates all of the natural processes in a miraculous way. It is part of your order and quality of life."
"The magnetic power from electric current works with a frequency of 50 or 60 Hertz. It has an unbalanced, a disharmonious, and always heavily-changing field strength, from minute to minute and from day to day. It is a brand new part of our modern world that causes a totally disorder of life."
Greatest threat: Low-level electromagnetic radiation
The various types of electromagnetic radiation that exist in our midst have been documented on electromagnetic spectrum chart. (Article 1 of 5)
This electromagnetic spectrum begins at a frequency of 1 Hertz (Hz), which is 1 wave per second.
Other frequency includes:
- A band of extremely low frequencies (ELF): 3-3,000 Hz (Source: electrical power lines, Visual Display Units (VDUs) and domestic appliances)
- Very low frequencies (VLF): 3,000-30,000 Hz or 3-30 kHz. (Source: navigation devices/ equipment, VDUs, domestic appliances)
- Radio frequencies (RF): 3,000 to 1 billion Hz or 3 kHz to 1GHz. (Source: radio, TV, mobile phones, VDUs, domestic appliances)
- Microwaves (MW): Microwave ovens operate at 2,400,000,000 Hz (Source: radar, VDUs, microwave ovens)
- Infrared (IR) - Source: Sun, VDUs
- Visible light (VL) - Source: Sun, VDUs
- Ultraviolet (UV) - Source: Sun, VDUs
- X-rays - (a) soft x-rays - Source: medical X-rays, VDUs (b) hard X-ray - Source: nuclear fallout
- Gamma rays - Source: nuclear fallout
Of equal concern are microwaves (MW) and radio frequency (RF).
ELF & VLF: May cause cancer
Health problems in workplace thought to be associated with ELF exposure were first reported in a group of Russian electrical switchyard workers in the 60s. This created widespread scientific interest.
In the late 70s and early 80s, reports suggesting a link between ELF residential exposures and cancers heightened public anxiety. Following these early reports, extensive international research programs were initiated.
Scientific evidence confirms that electromagnetic radiation of such low frequencies can cause observable effects like:
ELF & VLF: May cause cancer
Health problems in workplace thought to be associated with ELF exposure were first reported in a group of Russian electrical switchyard workers in the 60s. This created widespread scientific interest.
In the late 70s and early 80s, reports suggesting a link between ELF residential exposures and cancers heightened public anxiety. Following these early reports, extensive international research programs were initiated.
Scientific evidence confirms that electromagnetic radiation of such low frequencies can cause observable effects like:
- Changes in heart and brain.
- Observed changes in human cells exposed to these frequencies could promote cancer under certain circumstances.
- Some studies show widespread deformities and deaths in chicken embryos. This indicates that birth defects and deaths in human offspring may be similarly affected. Swedish tests on cells taken from women showed the same disruptive effects.
Although the final version excluded this phrase, a subsequent report in 1994 also warned of a link between cancer and ELF fields.
Many scientists today feel that some areas of ELF radiation still cannot be measured accurately because the electrical instruments used to measure emissions can interfere with the frequencies they measure.
Many scientists today feel that some areas of ELF radiation still cannot be measured accurately because the electrical instruments used to measure emissions can interfere with the frequencies they measure.
Long-term injury and irreversible damage
Former USSR and Czechoslovakia did some full-scale investigations into the health of thousands of people exposed to radio frequency (RF) and microwave radiation (MR).
They found that electromagnetic radiation could penetrate right through the human body, causing electrical non-thermal effects capable of long-term injury and irreversible damage.
Some of the adverse health effects include:
- Changes in brain and central nervous system
- Effects on eyes, including cataracts
- Changes in chemistry of blood and circulatory systems
- Cardiovascular problems (heart and blood vessels)
- Metabolic changes in tissues
- Conditioned reflex behavior
- Cancer (including leukemia)
- Disruption of cells
- Changes in immune system (resistance to disease)
- Adverse effects in male reproductive system (reduced sperm count, erection and ejaculation problems, birth deformities, stillbirths, and decreased libido or sexual drive)
- Adverse effects in female reproductive system (disruption of menstrual cycle, adverse reproduction and development of offspring, miscarriages, birth deformities, stillbirths, and decreased sexual drive)
In the more modrn mobile phone systems, electromagnetic radiation signals are not sent out continuously like radio waves, but in pulses. This pulsed transmission is a particular feature of the latest GSM (global system for mobiles) technology, which is now rapidly becoming the standard in Europe.
According to physicist Dr Gerald Hyland of Warwick University and the International Institute of Biophysics in Neuss, Germany, these pulse rates have serious biological effects.
"The pulses happen to be close to some of the brain's own electrical and electrochemical rhythms.
Since these are involved in the control and regulation of bioprocesses essential to well being, it is reasonable to anticipate that functionality of the body will be impaired."
(Lancet, 200; Vol. 356)
Russian research (Vest Navy Med Techno, 1999; Vols. 24-26, 40-42) reveals that low frequencies of GSM pulsing are close to those at which human mood and behavior can be influenced.
Russian research (Vest Navy Med Techno, 1999; Vols. 24-26, 40-42) reveals that low frequencies of GSM pulsing are close to those at which human mood and behavior can be influenced.
This ranges from depression and docility to rage.
In one study, pulsed radio frequency waves significantly increased calcium in brain cells.
In one study, pulsed radio frequency waves significantly increased calcium in brain cells.
Calcium is involved in the release of neurotransmitters.
Any disturbance in usual ration could disturb the balance of chemicals in brain, with repercussions in nervous and immune systems (Merritt JH, in Klaunberg BJ et al,NATO ASI Series, 1995).
Pulsed frequencies also increase levels of the brain enzyme ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) which can promote tumors in high levels (Cancer Research, 1998, Vol. 48).
They also cause over-expression of heat shock proteins (HSPs).
Pulsed frequencies also increase levels of the brain enzyme ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) which can promote tumors in high levels (Cancer Research, 1998, Vol. 48).
They also cause over-expression of heat shock proteins (HSPs).
These stress proteins are called upon when the body undergoes environmental stress.
HSPs also act like traffic police in each cell, making sure that proteins are where they should be, and that old proteins are disposed of.
HSPs also act like traffic police in each cell, making sure that proteins are where they should be, and that old proteins are disposed of.
Most significantly, they help the immune system recognize diseased cells for disposal.
When over-expressed, these proteins are believed to block apoptosis (programmed cell death).
When over-expressed, these proteins are believed to block apoptosis (programmed cell death).
This could also have the effect of promoting cancer (Differentiation, 2001: Vol. 67; Differentiation, 2002: Vol. 70).
Sick & healthy waves
Every living thing on this planet is constantly bathed in electromagnetic radiation produced by Earth itself. However, these natural fields are mostly DC (direct current) in nature (also called static fields) and life has evolved in their presence.
The Earth's fields produce no health hazards because we are used to them.
Sick & healthy waves
Every living thing on this planet is constantly bathed in electromagnetic radiation produced by Earth itself. However, these natural fields are mostly DC (direct current) in nature (also called static fields) and life has evolved in their presence.
The Earth's fields produce no health hazards because we are used to them.
What potentially dangerous is human-created fields in the 50-60 cycles per second (50-60 Hz) range.
Human beings usually operate at frequencies between 2 and 12 Hz.
Human beings usually operate at frequencies between 2 and 12 Hz.
Normal household current is 50-60 Hz and is thus completely incompatible and disruptive to body's natural electric frequency range, neural transmission system, and its sensitive neuro-chemical equilibrium.
According to Professor W. Ross Adey, a biologist with over 35 years experience in electromagnetic radiation effects, exposure to external frequencies of 1-30 Hz can physiologically interact with the brain, even at very low-power densities.
A light flashing at about 15 Hz can induce seizures in people with photosensitive epilepsy.
According to Professor W. Ross Adey, a biologist with over 35 years experience in electromagnetic radiation effects, exposure to external frequencies of 1-30 Hz can physiologically interact with the brain, even at very low-power densities.
A light flashing at about 15 Hz can induce seizures in people with photosensitive epilepsy.
Yet, many electrical items we use daily are in a higher frequency band.
For example:
- Microwave ovens operate at 2,400,000,000 Hz.
- Digital mobile phones use a frequency of about 900 megahertz (MHz) for the GSM (Global System Mobile) system, and 1,800 MHz for the PCN (Personal Communication Network) system. Both fall in the microwave region of the electromagnetic spectrum.
If phone signal is "pulsed", the main frequency "carries" another signal at 217 Hz which generates a regular, low frequency pulsing effect into the brain.
Most people do not know the full extent of electromagnetic field dangers because its truth has been suppressed.
For every study that reveals the harm caused by electromagnetic field radiation, there is another that says it is safe.
Many of such studies are funded by industry
Did government-industry block /
distort truth on EMF hazards?
For every study that reveals the harm caused by electromagnetic field radiation, there is another that says it is safe.
Many of such studies are funded by industry
For example, for every published study claiming a relationship between cancer and overhead power lines, one or more studies have been released which refute any potential dangers.
As a result, by mid-1990s, at least 100 studies reported "little" or "no danger" from common electromagnetic field sources.
Big industry and power utility interests are at stake if the truth is officially acknowledged.
Big industry and power utility interests are at stake if the truth is officially acknowledged.
In United Kingdom for example, phone companies recently paid the government £22.5 billion for the third generation (3G) mobile phone system which offers video, Internet access and voice transmissions.
So there are huge commercial and political interests in not rocking the boat of mobile technology ("Mast Hysteria: The Dangers of Mobile Base Stations" inWhat Doctors Don't Tell You, August 2004: Vol. 15, No.5).
20 years of suppressed research
Experts say there are over 20 years of suppressed research on the "micro-blitzing" of people everywhere by low-intensity but high-frequency electromagnetic fields coming from a wide range of electrical marvels.
In the past, concerned scientists and doctors questioned health aspects of the rapidly escalating multi-billion dollar industries in mobile phones, computers and related technological marvels.
So there are huge commercial and political interests in not rocking the boat of mobile technology ("Mast Hysteria: The Dangers of Mobile Base Stations" inWhat Doctors Don't Tell You, August 2004: Vol. 15, No.5).
20 years of suppressed research
Experts say there are over 20 years of suppressed research on the "micro-blitzing" of people everywhere by low-intensity but high-frequency electromagnetic fields coming from a wide range of electrical marvels.
In the past, concerned scientists and doctors questioned health aspects of the rapidly escalating multi-billion dollar industries in mobile phones, computers and related technological marvels.
However, they have been gagged, punished and even pressured out of their jobs.
This was especially so where mobile phones are concerned.
In early 1991, Motorola (then the world's No.2 manufacturer of mobile phones) funded extensive research programs to explore possible health effects associated with mobile phones usage.
Ross Adey, who was involved in the research, later revealed:
This was especially so where mobile phones are concerned.
In early 1991, Motorola (then the world's No.2 manufacturer of mobile phones) funded extensive research programs to explore possible health effects associated with mobile phones usage.
Ross Adey, who was involved in the research, later revealed:
"Motorola has been manipulative of research that we and others have reported to them."
One of Adey's studies found that certain frequencies of Radio Frequency Radiation (RFR) actually decreased the incidence of tumors in rats.
Motorola was however, unwilling to recognize results that indicated any biological effects of RFR whatsoever, either positive or negative.
Motorola was however, unwilling to recognize results that indicated any biological effects of RFR whatsoever, either positive or negative.
Adey also found a link between low-intensity microwaves and DNA damage in rat brain cells.
Jerry Phillips, who worked with Adey, disclosed:
Jerry Phillips, who worked with Adey, disclosed:
"The relationship (with Motorola) was pleasant for the first few years, until we began to get some data... Motorola was adamant that Adey never mention DNA damage and RF radiation in the same breath."
Phillips, Adey, and others said they see a strong parallel between what's happening now and the decades of denial by tobacco industry in face of mounting scientific evidence that tobacco was harmful.
Dr William Morton, a professor at Oregon Health Sciences University, was one of a handful of doctors experienced in diagnosing and documenting electrical sensitivity.
In 19 January 2003, he chose to give up his medical license rather than continue to face allegations of "misdiagnosis" and further investigation by Oregon Board of medical examiners.
Phillips, Adey, and others said they see a strong parallel between what's happening now and the decades of denial by tobacco industry in face of mounting scientific evidence that tobacco was harmful.
Dr William Morton, a professor at Oregon Health Sciences University, was one of a handful of doctors experienced in diagnosing and documenting electrical sensitivity.
In 19 January 2003, he chose to give up his medical license rather than continue to face allegations of "misdiagnosis" and further investigation by Oregon Board of medical examiners.
Dr Robert Santini was a veteran researcher in Bioelectromagnetics which has long been associated with government laboratory.
Dr Robert Santini was a veteran researcher in Bioelectromagnetics which has long been associated with government laboratory.
He revealed that he had been forbidden by the director from speaking to journalists, politicians and other researchers about "cellular phone and base station bioeffects".
On 6 March 2003, at the request of 2 senators, he told Parliamentary Office for the Evaluation of Science and Technology Choice,
On 6 March 2003, at the request of 2 senators, he told Parliamentary Office for the Evaluation of Science and Technology Choice,
"We are witnessing today the development of pressure aimed at discrediting, within their institutions, certain researchers and their findings. These campaigns of moral and professional harassment are orchestrated, in particular, by certain cell phone providers, public health bodies and elected officials."
"Some scientists who work on the problem of biological effects of cell phones and relay stations have recently been made the object of firing, professional change, research topic change, blockage of career, loss of collaborators and ban on speaking."
He referred to 3 examples of noted scientists in France and the case of Claudio Gomez Perretta, MD in Valencia, Spain.
Claudio wrote a letter to Valencia Medical Association expressing his concern that the Spanish equivalent of American Medical Association had taken no position on high-frequency electromagnetic field problems. However, 4 days after writing the letter, he was notified that he must discontinue his work on electromagnetic field immediately.
Perretta's letter reminded the local medical body,
"Some scientists who work on the problem of biological effects of cell phones and relay stations have recently been made the object of firing, professional change, research topic change, blockage of career, loss of collaborators and ban on speaking."
He referred to 3 examples of noted scientists in France and the case of Claudio Gomez Perretta, MD in Valencia, Spain.
Claudio wrote a letter to Valencia Medical Association expressing his concern that the Spanish equivalent of American Medical Association had taken no position on high-frequency electromagnetic field problems. However, 4 days after writing the letter, he was notified that he must discontinue his work on electromagnetic field immediately.
Perretta's letter reminded the local medical body,
"Let us remember that there were once commissions that denied the dangers of tobacco, asbestos, and therapeutic X-rays."
Professor Olle Johansson has produced some of the most riveting scientific questioning of the safety of cell phones and related devices.
However, he faced a cutoff in funds for his work at the prestigious Karolinska Institute. Swedish authorities threatened to close down the institute's Unit for Experimental Dermatology.
Veteran medical physicist Dr Lebrecht von Klitzing of Medical University of Lubeck was forbidden by the university dean to address German Bundestag (parliament) on the medical effects of cell phones.
Professor Olle Johansson has produced some of the most riveting scientific questioning of the safety of cell phones and related devices.
However, he faced a cutoff in funds for his work at the prestigious Karolinska Institute. Swedish authorities threatened to close down the institute's Unit for Experimental Dermatology.
Veteran medical physicist Dr Lebrecht von Klitzing of Medical University of Lubeck was forbidden by the university dean to address German Bundestag (parliament) on the medical effects of cell phones.
They claimed such presentation would damage the university's reputation.
Von Klitzing, forbidden to do any more research, later resigned from the university in order to continue his research.
Dr Gerald Hyland from the University of Warwick took early retirement in March 2003, following high-level pressures against his research into the biocompatibility of magnetic fields with human organism.
Von Klitzing, forbidden to do any more research, later resigned from the university in order to continue his research.
Dr Gerald Hyland from the University of Warwick took early retirement in March 2003, following high-level pressures against his research into the biocompatibility of magnetic fields with human organism.
This menace undoubtedly,
also plagues many developing countries today.
How are you coping with the assault?
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Your comments below please.
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