A number of factors thereafter conspired for and against me which resulted in my education going no further than secondary school level. Had I remained in Jamaica I would no doubt have been spiralled into academia, but I left at the beginning of the year in which I would have taken (and passed) the scholarship exam. And this would have resulted in my elevation into high school and then upwards and beyond. This is what I know without a doubt, I was a brilliant student, achieving was easy and I would have achieved.
England is not Jamaica and, so, my potential was overlooked and consequentially wasted as far as academia was concerned, but in a way, in hindsight I know it was for the best - something I realised while writing my book more than ten years ago.
I am aware that due to my lack of further education I am not as regarded or respected as the man or woman saying similar things, but with letters after their names, but the truth is clear, what I lack in book learning, I make up for in personal experience and knowledge gained through practical living. This is apparent in my writing. I will only ever express by way of experience and actual knowledge, so rest assured you will never find me referencing experts in fields I have neither knowledge of nor expertise in.
Again, had I been jettisoned into academia I might never have learned to think independently, neither known or experienced life as I know it and enjoy living it. I might instead have been programmed to receive and accept. And it is with this spirit that I ask all who read my words to read - take no one's word for it unless you know they speak the truth.
"Only a fool would think to teach a man lying asleep -
A wise man would think first to wake him and then to teach him"
Elizabeth Young
We the Business Doctors, are delighted to have Elizabeth on-board
as a contributing writer !!
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